Why I love a good balance challenge.

What Is Balance?
Balance is a function of the nervous system directly influenced by the five senses. When the balance is threatened, a sixth sense, known as proprioception alerts the body. The body's balance centers, such as the eyes, ears, and feet, work together to sense the imbalance and automatically correct posture.
We exercise for many reasons - to look and feel stronger, improve energy, increase metabolism, and feel happier; these are probably just a few of the reasons that immediately come to mind, but how about improving your balance?
When we train our balance, we are creating remembered reactions to imbalance. The more we practice balancing, the greater our balance awareness becomes an innate and automatic skill.
While good balance is one of the most important building blocks to creating a more beneficial workout, it can also be considered a type of life insurance.
How so, you might ask?
Many life-threatening falls that come with aging have often been caused by a lack of balance, stability, and strength. A lot of these incidents could be prevented with some basic balance and stability training.
For those who would like to stay as independent as possible later on in life, balance training is essential. In every class I teach, regardless of age, I always incorporate exercises that focus on strengthening the core and leg muscles simultaneously with this goal in mind.
Here are six simple ways to improve your balance starting from today:
(Please remember to maintain correct postural alignment at all times when practicing to balance. Stop any exercise immediately at the first sign of stabiliser fatigue.)
1. Stand on one foot while brushing your teeth.
2. Sit on an exercise ball at your desk rather than a chair.
3. Stand with one foot in front of the other with your eyes closed, counting to ten.
4. Squat and then raise one foot in the air as you come back to standing.
5. Squat one inch over the toilet seat for a few seconds before sitting down onto the seat.
6. Take a Pilates class!
Balance training is for everyone, and I believe it is vital.
Have fun with it!
With love,
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